Posted By: R&D SmartTax

If you are a company with a 30 June financial year end, then 30 April is an important deadline for you and your R&D tax claim.

30 April is the deadline by which all R&D Applications must be lodged with AusIndustry. Lodgement provides your company with a Registration Number and your Registration Number is used by the Australian Taxation Office to process your Company Tax Return and provide you with your tax benefit and cash.

If you are concerned about the dwindling number of days available to complete and lodge your R&D Application form, fear not as we have 3 easy ways for you to get your R&D Claim finished before the big day.

1. Use the R&D Application Wizard to complete your form
The R&D Application Wizard is a web-based program designed precisely for the situation of needing a completed R&D Application form, but being uncertain as to what information is required or what format will pass muster. Simply click through each question and when you are finished, enter your email address and the completed R&D Application form will be sent to you ready to lodge.

2. Use our Templates to complete your claim
If you would like guidance on what documents you need to complete your R&D tax claim, use our Templates. The Templates cover adding up your eligible costs, describing your smart ideas in your R&D Plan, recording your trials and experiments and completing your Finalisation Report to keep your new knowledge and intellectual property for your company. You can then take your cost and R&D Plan information, slot it straight into the R&D Application form and be ready to lodge in no time.

3. Let Us Do All the Hard Work For You
At the end of the day if you are really pressed for time and would like the best chance of getting your R&D Claim in on time, use us to help you. We can come in, ask a few questions, view a few records, type a few documents and in no time your R&D Application form will be complete and ready to lodge. The best bit is that we have done this many times before, even on 30 April, so you will have the best expertise to get your claim right.

Whether you prefer to do your claim yourself or use an expert to help you, the most important thing is that you lodge your R&D Application form by 30 April. This is your ticket to your thousands of dollars in R&D benefit and we know that this money could make a big difference to your business. The R&D tax breaks are an entitlement legislated in the Federal parliament and it is important you don’t miss out.

About R&DSmartTax

R&D SmartTax tools were born out of a desire to help the many smart small Australian companies access the R&D Tax Break benefits without the need for hours spent reading tax literature or expensive consultant fees. The R&D Eligibility Wizard is designed to be low cost, easy to use and available for all Australian industries.


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