Posted By: R&D SmartTax

The popular R&D Template Package is back! Your R&D Tax Incentive claim will now be a lot easier to prepare with the release of our 2012 R&D Template Package. At R&D SmartTax we have been very busy “researching and developing” a new range of compliance tools to help small businesses more easily make R&D Tax Incentive claims. We are proud to show you our list of R&D Templates here:

1. R&D Project Plan Template
2. R&D Calculations Template
3. R&D Experiment Record
4. R&D Experiment Register
5. R&D Labour Record
6. New Learnings Report
7. Record Keeping Folders for your Computer

The Templates are simple, easy to use and do not require any special software for your computer.

The 2012 R&D Template Package is available now from the R&D SmartTax website. Simply go to or click here to be taken straight there.

About R&DSmartTax

R&D SmartTax tools were born out of a desire to help the many smart small Australian companies access the R&D Tax Break benefits without the need for hours spent reading tax literature or expensive consultant fees. The R&D Eligibility Wizard is designed to be low cost, easy to use and available for all Australian industries.


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